Saturday, October 26, 2013

Letak Pemukiman Suku Baduy
                   Orang Kanekes atau orang Baduy adalah suatu kelompok masyarakat adat Sunda di wilayah Kabupaten Lebak, Ban
ten. Sebutan “Baduy” merupakan sebutan yang diberikan oleh penduduk luar kepada kelompok masyarakat tersebut, berawal dari sebutan para peneliti Belanda yang agaknya mempersamakan mereka dengan kelompok Arab Badawi yang merupakan masyarakat yang berpindah-pindah (nomaden). Kemungkinan lain adalah karena adanya Sungai Baduy dan Gunung Baduy yang ada di bagian utara dari wilayah tersebut. Mereka sendiri lebih suka menyebut diri sebagai urang Kanekes atau “orang Kanekes” sesuai dengan nama wilayah mereka, atau sebutan yang mengacu kepada nama kampung mereka seperti Urang Cibeo (Garna, 1993).

Wilayah Kanekes secara geografis terletak pada koordinat 6°27’27” – 6°30’0” LS dan 108°3’9” – 106°4’55” BT (Permana, 2001). Mereka bermukim tepat di kaki pegunungan Kendeng di desa Kanekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak-Rangkasbitung, Banten, berjarak sekitar 40 km dari kota Rangkasbitung. Wilayah yang merupakan bagian dari Pegunungan Kendeng dengan ketinggian 300 – 600 m di atas permukaan laut (DPL) tersebut mempunyai topografi berbukit dan bergelombang dengan kemiringan tanah rata-rata mencapai 45%, yang merupakan tanah vulkanik (di bagian utara), tanah endapan (di bagian tengah), dan tanah campuran (di bagian selatan). suhu rata-rata 20°C.
Bahasa yang mereka gunakan adalah Bahasa Sunda dialek Sunda–Banten. Untuk berkomunikasi dengan penduduk luar mereka lancar menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, walaupun mereka tidak mendapatkan pengetahuan tersebut dari sekolah. Orang Kanekes ‘dalam’ tidak mengenal budaya tulis, sehingga adat istiadat, kepercayaan/agama, dan cerita nenek moyang hanya tersimpan di dalam tuturan lisan saja.

Kepercayaan masyarakat Kanekes yang disebut sebagai Sunda Wiwitan berakar pada pemujaan kepada arwah nenek moyang (animisme) yang pada perkembangan selanjutnya juga dipengaruhi oleh agama Budha, Hindu, dan Islam. Inti kepercayaan tersebut ditunjukkan dengan adanya pikukuh atau ketentuan adat mutlak yang dianut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari orang Kanekes (Garna, 1993). Isi terpenting dari ‘pikukuh’ (kepatuhan) Kanekes tersebut adalah konsep “tanpa perubahan apapun”, atau perubahan sesedikit mungkin:
Lojor heunteu beunang dipotong, pèndèk heunteu beunang disambung.
(Panjang tidak bisa/tidak boleh dipotong, pendek tidak bisa/tidak boleh disambung)
Tabu tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari diinterpretasikan secara harafiah. Di bidang pertanian, bentuk pikukuh tersebut adalah dengan tidak mengubah kontur lahan bagi ladang, sehingga cara berladangnya sangat sederhana, tidak mengolah lahan dengan bajak, tidak membuat terasering, hanya menanam dengan tugal, yaitu sepotong bambu yang diruncingkan. Pada pembangunan rumah juga kontur permukaan tanah dibiarkan apa adanya, sehingga tiang penyangga rumah Kanekes seringkali tidak sama panjang. Perkataan dan tindakan mereka pun jujur, polos, tanpa basa-basi, bahkan dalam berdagang mereka tidak melakukan tawar-menawar.

Objek kepercayaan terpenting bagi masyarakat Kanekes adalah Arca Domas, yang lokasinya dirahasiakan dan dianggap paling sakral. Orang Kanekes mengunjungi lokasi tersebut untuk melakukan pemujaan setahun sekali pada bulan Kalima, yang pada tahun 2003 bertepatan dengan bulan Juli. Hanya puun yang merupakan ketua adat tertinggi dan beberapa anggota masyarakat terpilih saja yang mengikuti rombongan pemujaan tersebut. Di kompleks Arca Domas tersebut terdapat batu lumpang yang menyimpan air hujan. Apabila pada saat pemujaan ditemukan batu lumpang tersebut ada dalam keadaan penuh air yang jernih, maka bagi masyarakat Kanekes itu merupakan pertanda bahwa hujan pada tahun tersebut akan banyak turun, dan panen akan berhasil baik. Sebaliknya, apabila batu lumpang kering atau berair keruh, maka merupakan pertanda kegagalan panen (Permana, 2003a).
Bagi sebagian kalangan, berkaitan dengan keteguhan masyarakatnya, kepercayaan yang dianut masyarakat adat Kanekes ini mencerminkan kepercayaan keagamaan masyarakat Sunda secara umum sebelum masuknya Islam.
Kelompok Masyarakat Suku Baduy
Masyarakat Kanekes secara umum terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu tangtu, panamping, dan dangka (Permana, 2001). Kelompok tangtu adalah kelompok yang dikenal sebagai Baduy Dalam, yang paling ketat mengikuti adat, yaitu warga yang tinggal di tiga kampung: Cibeo, Cikartawana, dan Cikeusik). Ciri khas Orang Baduy Dalam adalah pakaiannya berwarna putih alami dan biru tua serta memakai ikat kepala putih. Kelompok masyarakat panamping adalah mereka yang dikenal sebagai Baduy Luar, yang tinggal di berbagai kampung yang tersebar mengelilingi wilayah Baduy Dalam, seperti Cikadu, Kaduketuk, Kadukolot, Gajeboh, Cisagu, dan lain sebagainya. Masyarakat Baduy Luar berciri khas mengenakan pakaian dan ikat kepala berwarna hitam. Apabila Baduy Dalam dan Baduy Luar tinggal di wilayah Kanekes, maka “Baduy Dangka” tinggal di luar wilayah Kanekes, dan pada saat ini tinggal 2 kampung yang tersisa, yaitu Padawaras (Cibengkung) dan Sirahdayeuh (Cihandam). Kampung Dangka tersebut berfungsi sebagai semacam buffer zone atas pengaruh dari luar (Permana, 2001).

How Do I Increase My Metabolism Quickly ?

I know I can increase it but how can I increase my metabolism quickly? This is a question many dieters and people on weight loss have asked. Burning fat fast seems to be more important than long termed fat loss. What you must understand is that you can start to burn your body fat fast but you can't loose all your excess fat over night. What is metabolism actually? Metabolism is the process our bodies use to burn the calories from the food that we eat.
It is scientifically proven that as we grow older our metabolism will slow down incrementally. To be more precise, this deceleration starts between our 20th and 40th year of life. The sad thing is that we are by nature programmed to gain body fat while losing lean body mass. For example, if you are a young man, age 25, the metabolism slows down approximately 5 percent per decade. As a matter of fact, we can't control ageing but we can do several things to speed up our metabolism all the rest of our lives. Below I will go through three of the most important ones:
The more you Increase your muscle mass the more your metabolism will increase
Your lean body mass is by far the most important factor of metabolism. Muscle burns up to 90% more calories than fat. For example, if you add three to five pounds of muscle and you could burn 100 - 250 additional calories per day. If you perform weight or resistance training as little as 2-3 times a week. Weight lifting can be anything from carrying your groceries home to training with weights at a Fitness Center.
Keep yourself in motion regularly
After regular exercise such as walking, biking and swimming your metabolism rate will increase not only during the activity but for several hours after. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great and natural way to embody exercise in your daily life. Even house cleaning or cutting the lawn can increase your fat burning rate.
Eat, eat and eat - don't ever skip a meal
If you try to lose weight by skipping meals or not eat at all, your metabolism will decrease which is the opposite of losing fat. What the body does when it goes into 'starvation mode' is compensate for the low calorie intake by decreasing the metabolic rate. Instead of burning fat it will burn lean muscles. So whatever weight loss program you follow eat all your meals and don't drop your calorie intake under 1000 per day.
Start with these three ways to increase your body's fat burning process. There are many additional ways that you can add later. To get a flying start however, following these three tips will do the job.

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies With A Homemade Fruit Fly Trap.

Anyone who has ever left a few bananas sitting out or forgotten to change their garbage knows all too well the problem with fruit flies. It seems that once they've invaded your kitchen, you can't get rid of them. You can scrub, clean, remove tempting fruit and spray the garbage can with disinfectants, but they always come back. You can't help but cringe just looking at them.
We have always had problems with fruit flies, with one of the main reasons being that we live in an apartment and by law - must recycle. Because of where we live, we have to keep our recycling containers inside until they can be disposed of once a week. If the recyclables aren't cleaned well enough after being used, they make a perfect breeding ground for fruit flies. They love bits of rotting food remnants and seem to thrive in even the smallest amount. When fruit flies move in, they just don't want to leave and will lay eggs in and on anything they can find - fruits & vegetables left on the counter, sink drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles & cans, garbage bags, and even mops and rags.
A Few Fun Facts About Fruit Flies:
- Can lay up to 500 eggs at a time
- Their entire lifecycle is complete in about a week
- While considered mainly a pest, they have the potential to contaminate food with dangerous bacteria
We all know that removing the food, getting rid of the garbage & cleaning up plays a big role, but we also know what it's like to move a piece of fruit and have a swarm of fruit flies fill the air only to escape your attempts at killing them. Where are they gonna go? Obviously the ones flying around can't be easily captured or killed, so they'll linger about until they find some other place to lay eggs and the whole cycle starts again.
In all my attempts, I found the best way to capture and remove the ones that escape is to create a simple trap using a jar, plastic wrap and a piece of food. Here's how it works:
1. Get a small jar you don't plan on using again ( like a baby food jar or something similar ) and wash it out well. Make sure it is not a jar with a funky smell such as a used pickle jar or anything that use to have strong spices. You want a clean, odorless jar.
2. Take a chunk of banana and place inside the jar. This is why you want a clean, odorless jar - so that the banana smell won't be overpowered by other not-so-tempting smells. Banana seems to work the best, but you can experiment.
3. Fit a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar, making sure that it fits tight and well sealed around the edges. Then take a pen or pencil and poke 4 to 5 holes in the plastic, just big enough for a fruit fly to fit into. Once a fruit fly crawls in, it can't get out. You would think they would just fly back out through the holes, but they won't!
4. Place the jar in an area where you have seen the most fruit flies. Depending on the amount of fruit flies you have, you can expect to start seeing the jar fill up within just a few hours. After 24 hours, you will discover just how bad your fruit fly problem is!
This simple, inexpensive & safe method works perfectly and if you don't want the jar on public display, you can always slip it behind the garbage can, in the cupboard or even under the sink (Just don't forget about it!). You will want to empty the jar every 3-4 days before any eggs have a chance to hatch. While adult fruit flies can't easily escape through the holes, their maggots can very easily, and besides that - they are disgusting to see crawling around in the jar. You don't want to see these things crawling on your counter!
Cleaning out the jar shouldn't be a problem. If you have a kind heart, you can choose to let them go outside. Personally, I spray the little buggers with bug spray, wash out the jar and start the whole process over again if I think there are still some fruit flies left to capture.
For bad fruit fly problems, you will want to use this method for a good two weeks to make sure you've captured the majority of fruit flies. You might even want to use a few jars in different places. Before long, your kitchen will be back to normal.
Carole Nickerson has been a web developer and internet marketer since 1998. Visit for more free articles, tips and software.

How Do I Get More Candy for Halloween?

Trick or Treating is a good time of the year, one of the best, but if you are a young person you are interesting in one thing. How do I get more candy during trick or treating for Halloween? Well, the better your costume the better your chances, but you need to have a plan.
You need to practice your initial sales pitch. Sometimes the people at the door want to scare you, you must act really scared, this makes them happy and happy people give you more candy. So pretend to be so scared you cannot handle it? Scream or if you are a guy, jump back give it a little height four or five inches off the ground is a smart way to play it. If you have a few of your girlfriends with you, you need to practice your scream, but also save your voice.
In other words if you see people coming from a house all excited that means that they give out a lot of candy their and really get into it. If they are unhappy looking as they leave, then go ahead and hold back a little and save your voice for the better candy givers. Also it plans to have a map too. Also always look in the bag as they put it in incase they only put in a little they will feel guilty and this means they may throw in a little more. You have understand that these folks want to have a good time and feel good about giving away their candy, make it exciting for them and everyone wins. Think on this.

Five How Tos For Those Who Dream Of Becoming A Writer

I am often asked what it takes to become a writer or "How can I do what you do?" The answer is not complicated. Anyone can write. Even if you were never a contestant for your eighth grade spelling bee, there is spell check. It is a marvelous invention. All of us have access to a dictionary, a thesaurus and a myriad of books and articles on how to write. The following are some tips to get you started.
Pay attention to what you tell yourself, in your sleep. I often think that I have written a bestseller, on the nights, when I do not get up and write down my thoughts. I keep a pad of paper by my bed. When I get that eureka moment, in my sleep, I get up and jot it down. Some nights, I go right back to sleep. Other nights, I can't wait to put my thoughts on paper and am off and running.
The early riser gets the article written. I am often awake before anyone else in my household. In the quiet of the early morning, ideas for articles or often the entire article, will come to me. Of course, this can play havoc with a social life. If I don't retire at a reasonable hour, I am an irritable writer.
Read. There is no one person that is an authority on everything. What you don't know, find out. Read everything pertaining to your field of interest that you can get your hands on. If you want to be a writer of fiction, read what you love. My interest and love, is a search for balance in life and helping others to achieve it. I try to read, talk and breathe balance. If we recognize that we are all a part of this human race, why not love it?
Talk and listen to others. I try and engage others in conversation as much as possible, in the grocery store, the mall, the post office, etc. Yes. I am one of those annoyingly interested people. I am interested in everything and will talk to you about anything. I also listen. By listening, which is also a part of the conversational gambit, I learn about others interests, needs and loves. Writers, write best, when they write what they know.
Writers, write. This is probably the most important part of writing. It separates the ones that want to be writers from the ones that succeed. If you feel that you have something important to say, put it on paper. It doesn't matter if your initial draft is intelligible. That is what the re-write is for, to hone your thoughts.
Take an interest in life. Successful writers write about topics that inform, entertain, uplift or in some way fill the needs which we, as a human race, carry in our minds and hearts. When I began writing, I read a quote from Erma Bombeck, a humorist, syndicated columnist and successful author for many years. She said," Not a day goes by that I don't hear from aspiring writers who have questions. "What if I fail?" ("What if you succeed?")." If you want to be a writer, begin today. Sit down and put pencil to paper or fingers to keyboard. I wish you much success.

How to Relieve Stress Through Diet - 10 Transitioning Tips

In a previous article I explain how the food we eat can be a major cause of stress and I talk briefly about the effects of stress on the body in terms of stress related illness.
Here, I want to share with you 10 simple ideas for changing your diet and reducing stress:

1. Stop buying packaged breakfast cereals. They are generally sugar-laden, are of little nutritional value and will leave you feeling hungry around mid-morning. Instead, make your own muesli from oats, seeds, nuts and a few raisins or cook your oats to make porridge. Both of these will kick start your metabolism and provide steady energy that will last until lunch time.
2. Cut right down on dairy products, particularly those made from cow's milk. Substitute sugary yoghurts for plain 'live' or bio ones and add your own fruit. Try using a good brand of Soya Milk or make your own almond milk. If you want cheese, go for goat's cheese. A word on butter though - it's a better choice than margarine or low-fat spread if used sparingly.
3. Give up the red meat. Organic free range chicken and turkey and non-farmed fish are the way to go.
4. Get shot of the caffeine. If you drink coffee regularly, then going 'cold turkey' will probably result in some fierce headaches, so wean yourself off gradually by switching to herb teas. Peppermint tea seems to be the most popular amongst herb tea 'virgins'.
5. Swap white for brown. That means opting for wholewheat bread and pasta and brown rice and no more biscuits, pastries and cakes - unless you make them yourself from wholewheat flour.
6. Limit alcohol intake to special occasions only. If that is too scary, choose the purest, organic white wines and clear spirits you can find.
7. Grill, bake and steam rather than frying and boiling.
8. Center your main meal of the day around vegetables,always including a green one. Buy organic or locally grown wherever possible.
9. Get into beans. Using dried beans can be time consuming, so buy canned beans with no added sugar or salt. There are so many to choose from and they are not only extremely good for you, but they are also cheap and versatile. Make casseroles, stews, salads or blend to make burgers and dips.
10. Start reading the ingredients labels on EVERY packaged food you buy. You will be shocked by the numbers of preservatives, additives and chemicals many of them contain. Stop and think for a moment about what you are putting into your body. Chances are you can create a more the same thing from scratch for a fraction of the cost and it'll be more flavoursome and nutritious.
The key thing is to clean up your diet of all the nasties that are causing you stress whether you realise it or not. Get creative. Use herbs and spices in abundance. Before long you will be bouncing with energy and wondering how you ever survived before.
Claire Raikes is co-founder of [], the 'Body & Soul Nutrition' community for women who want to 'feel good forever'. Having 'cured' herself of a chronic, disabling and life-threatening bowel condition without the use of steroids, surgery or any other traditional medical intervention, Claire has partnered with Lucy-Ann Prideaux MSc BSc RNutr to share the message that a healthier, happier YOU begins on the inside. Be inspired, watch this: []